The entrance to the service is free, but you can buy a seat for Pesach to make sure to have one.
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13 Nissan, Sunday 21 April 2024: Bediqat chametz from 20.36. 

14 Nissan, Monday 22 April: Fast: start: 4:55, Mechirat chametz: 10.55, Bi‘ur chametz: 12.04, Minchà of first born: 14.00 and then Sium Massakhtà. 

Eve, 22 April : candle lighting for Mo’ed: 19.49, Mincha and Arvit:19.45 ,1° Seder 21.00.

1° day, 15 Nissan, 23 April: Shachrit: 9.00, Sefer: 10.30, Tiqqun Hattal and Musaf: 11.15, Minchà: 19.30, ‘Arvit: 20.30, 2° Seder 21.00.

2° day, 16 Nissan, 24 April: Shachrit: 9.00, Sefer: 10.00, Musaf: 10.45, Minchà and Arvit 19.30, end of Moed: 20.56

Eve 7° day 20 Nissan, 28 April: Candle lighting: 19.54, Minchà and ‘Arvit: 19.45.

7° day, 21 Nissan, 29 April: Shachrit: 9.00, Sefer: 10.30, Musaf: 11.15, Minchà and ‘Arvit: 19.30, lighting candles from an already lit candle: 21.03

8° giorno, 22 Nissan, 30 April: Shachrit: 9.00, Sefer: 10.30, Musaf: 11.15, end of Mo‘ed: 21.04.



Reservation is mandatory before April the 18th 

Reserve your seder filling this form:
Pay through our website: 

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