Shabbat Service

To ensure a better service for entry to shabbat services at the Synagogue of Florence, it is necessary to send at least a week beforehand of the intended date, your contact information by filling [...]

How to help Israel

Following the attacks from Hamas of October 7th, the campaigns in support if Israel by Jewish institutions are multiplying. Here is an updated list of initiatives by Jewish associations and [...]

Zemanim 23-24 mar. 2018

Date 23-24 mar. 2018 Parashà | Tzav / Shabbat Haggadol Candle Lighting18.13 Minchà and Arvit (Friday Night) 18.15 Shachrit 8.45 Minchà 18.00 ‘Arvit 19.00 Motzaè Shabbat 19.15    

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