Sunday, November 30, 10:30 a.m.

In the Florence Jewish Community building, Via Luigi Carlo Farini, 4

The Jewish Community of Florence presents “Florence, the Capital of Exoticism: themes and influences of the Middle East in Florence”

Florence, the capital of exoticism, is a project in collaboration with Coopculture with contribution from the Institution for Saving Florence and the Tuscan Region (Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze e Regione Toscana).

The project began on Sunday, October 19 with a meeting with Claudio Paolini and will continue in the coming months and include meetings, conferences, guided tours and workshops on topics related to the synagogue but also to other lesser- known typical Florence sites.

Journey in the city with Giovanna Bossi-
Meet at the south side of the Ponte Vecchio at the top of Borgo San Jacopo

Information and reservations:

055 2346654

Jewish Community of Florence
055 245252



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