Following the attacks from Hamas of October 7th, the campaigns in support if Israel by Jewish institutions are multiplying.
Here is an updated list of initiatives by Jewish associations and organizations

Israel is under attack and we need your support!


ADEI WIZO (Jewish Women of Italy)

IBAN IT50 Q010 0501 6060 0000 0140 015

Keren Hayesod-UIA (United Israel Appeal), in partnership with the global Jewish
community, works to further the national priorities of the State of Israel and Israeli society, with special emphasis on advancing weaker communities; nurturing disadvantaged and marginalized youth;
encouraging aliyah; implementing rescue operations; and connecting young Diaspora Jews to Israel and Jewish life.
IBAN: IT31E0306909606100000194944

Israel is under a routhless attack

Israel needs a strong Magen David Adom! 
A horrible massacare of innocent people, cold blooded murder of babies infants and children, entire families kidnapped, paramedics and medical staffs slaughtered on their way to save lives.MDA is at the front line. In the battle fields, right in the face of danger under missile attacks and Hammas’s heavy artilery. We strive for contact, take care of the injured under fire. We arrive quickly to help the injured in each and every location.In each Kibbutz that has suffered severe missile barrage and terrible slaughter – it was the MDA’s crews who striked in, under fire, to help rescue the families and give life saving medical treatments to the injured.
More than hundreds of injured people in every Kibbutz, hundred injured people in Sderot and Ofakim, people who got injured by the missile attacks in Ashqelon, more injured at the northern boarder and many many more.
Uncountable number of heartbreaking stories about people begging for their lives, and of critical care staff as well as paramedics risking their own lives and souls to get to them, and help them.

As they leave their families behind, their crying children and worried wives, the MDA’s entire staff is heading out to protect civilians, protect our country, our homeland and nation.
It is not an easy mission. The MDA’s hellicopter crew sufferd shooting while continuing to give medical treatment to injured people. Ambulance crews moved forward towards injured people while getting hit by live fire, MDA’s paramedic has defended trapped injured people untill her final breath. These horrific situations are so many, too many.

We operate with great dedication, out of love for human beings, love for our country and a strong will to defend and save lives for 93 years now, through all of Israel’s wars as well as in the “Iron swards war”!

We are here to protect you at any cost, we will be here tommorow, we will be here the day after tommorow, and all days after that untill peace and quiet will be restored in Israel.

We need you. we need donations for ambulances and medical equipment, for protective equipment and bandaging equipment that will help us save lives.

You can be part of the rescue alignment and help us save more and more lives in this difficult time, while Israel is at war.

To donate by phone or bank transfer, please email


To donate by bank transfer:


ACCOUNT NO. – 1012306


IBAN: IL480111510000001012306

Address: Magen David Adom in Israel

5 Haplada Street , Or yehuda, 6021805, Israel

Phone: +97236300222

Campagna KKL: Non lasciamoli soli, aiutiamoli insieme Israele è in guerra e per questo motivo dobbiamo agire!
Centinaia di israeliani sono morti e migliaia sono rimasti feriti. È devastante sapere che soldati e civili sono stati rapiti e presi in ostaggio, compresi bambini e anziani.
Uniamo le nostre forze per portare aiuto e sostegno a Israele in questo momento di assoluta crisi ed emergenza.
Abbiamo ricevuto la richiesta di aiuto del sindaco della città di Sderot, Alon David
“Le nostre squadre di soccorritori medici e di emergenza, assistenti sociali e volontari sono in prima linea per fornire sostegno alla città,
ma le nostre capacità sono al limite e abbiamo un disperato bisogno di aiuto immediato”.
La città di Sderot che è stata colpita duramente dagli attacchi terroristici, è in stato di shock e ha bisogno di assistenza immediata.
Le famiglie sono state separate, le case sono state ridotte in macerie e non vi è alcun senso di sicurezza.
In questi anni abbiamo contribuito a far sì che Sderot fosse un simbolo di resilienza e forza, ma ora dobbiamo fare di più.
Il nostro obiettivo adesso è concentrare il nostro sostegno ai Centri di Assistenza che si trovano vicino al confine con Gaza che forniscono alle comunità supporto psicologico per affrontare i traumi e le situazioni di emergenza.
Il KKL inoltre ha avviato un programma per aiutare i bambini con delle attività nella natura per distrarli e dare loro un po’ di serenità in questi momenti drammatici.
Queste al momento sono le località in cui sono ubicati i Centri di Assistenza:
Sderot, Eshkol, Ashkelon, Shaar HaNegev, Sdot Negev.
Banca Intesa Sanpaolo
IBAN: IT58 U030 6909 6061 0000 0122 860

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