A new Parochet

Parochet in Hebrew is a feminine word, and it’s a liturgical furnishing item that covers the Aron Ha Kodesh, the closet where the Sefarim, the Torah scrolls, are stored.  

The Florentine parochet featured in this fundraising campaign was sewn in the early twentieth century by a group of Florentine women, inspired by the values of the newly established Zionism movement.   

The historical importance to the Florentine community of this parochet meant that when it became necessary to provide for a thorough restoration of it in 2021, it led to the decision to display the original in the Jewish Museum of Florence and to proceed with the creation of a faithful copy that could continue to be used in the synagogue for the holidays of Channuká, Simchat Torah and Yom Hatzmaut, as well as a tevá cover (the furniture that covers the bookrest where the sefer is unrolled).  

Thanks to the contribution of numerous private donors, as well as entities such as A.D.E.I.  Associazione Donne Ebree d’Italia Firenze, Lions Clubs Firenze Palazzo Vecchio and Opera Laboratori, a total goal of 6,500 Euros was reached for the restoration of the original parochet and for the making of the copy along with the tevà cover. 

  • 20,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • 0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
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Noemi Coen

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13874Anna Maria Debolinia.debolini@virgilio.it
13866Vieri Da Fanovdafano@gmail.com
13731Noemi Coennoemicoen@gmail.com
13711Ada Boraleviadaboralevi@gmail.com
13709Kathaline Page-Guthkathalinepageguth@me.com
13699Vieri Da Fanovdafano@gmail.com
13688Marco Del Montemarcone321@gmail.com
13684Levi Wolvovskyleviwolvovsky@gmail.com
13683Vieri Da Fanovdafano@gmail.com