0 By Comunità ebraica In Work with usPosted 19 July 2021Work with usThe Jewish Community of Florence welcomes volenteers from all over the world. For more information regarding volenteer opportunities, contact the offices of the Jewish Community. READ MORE
0 By Comunità ebraica In EventsPosted 15 July 2021TISH’À BEAVTISH’À BEAV Eve, Saturday 17 July: Minchà: 18:30 e a seguire se’udà shelishit, start fast : 20.53, Motzaè Shabbat: 21.46, ‘Arvit: 22:00. 9 Av, Sunday 18 July: Shachrit: 8.00, [...] READ MORE
0 By Comunità ebraica In EventsPosted 14 July 2021Riapertura al pubblico di Sinagoga e Museo Ebraico di Siena READ MORE